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Do you want to Generate Your Project with the native addon in node.js with the node-gyp command? JavaScript allows a command line platform for creating native modules. In node.js after compiling a command build bundles of Node.js Add-ons.

This Addons module is basically written in C or C++ language. Sometimes native modules prebuild projects, the machine needs to use the node-gyp-build tool. This tool is active before the rebuilding of the project for check build is present. In this article, we will explain how to Generate Your Project with the native addon in node.js with the node-gyp command.

Why Use node-gyp Command in Node.js

node-gyp is a tool with cross-platform support used by the Chromium team. This tool special design in Node.js for creating native add-on modules. node-gyp is also supported by all of the node target versions like 0.8, …., 4, 5, 6, etc. It automatically downloads important files for the target version.

  1. node-gyp is very easy to use with a consistent interface
  2. In every platform build a module with a single command.
  3. Supports a number of target versions of Node

Installation Command node-gyp in Node.js

Install node-gyp with npm basic of the Node command line as given bellow

$ npm install -g node-gyp

Note: Basic use of node-gyp is to control the internal process of C++ compilation. This module is designed for node.js addons. If you move to a different system may be work but at the time use different Os does not work.

How to Fix node-gyp Error on Windows

Sometimes use npm command on window error occur like Failed at the <package>@<version> install script ‘node-gyp rebuild’ at that time use a PowerShell CLI instance with administrative privileges and use the below code:

npm install –global –production windows-build-tools

Commands of node-gyp

  • build:- This command is used to builds the native addon.
  • install:- Installs files for the used version.
  • clean:- If you want to remove the Removes directory after build use this.
  • rebuild:- Configure and build the project.
  • remove:- For Removes header files
  • configure:- If you want to generate project after build use configure command.
  • help:- For display help dialog

We hope this article helped you to understand How To Generate Your Project With The Native Addon In node.js With node-gyp Command. You may also want to see How To Speed Up Your Website With Google JQuery CDN?