Many individuals out there don’t actually know how web hosting works. Hosting is a service that a web host provides, which is basically storing and distributing your website’s files on servers.
All websites rely on a web host to store and distribute their files on servers. The reason hosting is so important is because it determines the speed your website loads. The faster your site loads, the more likely people are to visit it and stay on it longer. So, when someone tries to access your website, they use a domain name to access the server that stores your website’s files. The server then sends the requested file to the user’s browser.
What is a Domain Name?
A domain name is your web address on the web. It shows up in the address bar when you click on a hyperlink, opens in a new window (after you click a link, you’re prompted to download that file), opens in your default browser when you click on links inside a web page, and it makes the web page you’re linked to start in a new tab/window.
A domain can have both a website and hosting services. What you do with a domain depends on the hosting service you choose from a web hosting provider. (You can pick from just a domain name hosting account, a VPS or Dedicated Hosting account, an IIS/Windows hosting account, or a combination of three of the above. You make your choices when you register as a web host.)
A domain name is not “owned” by you—that is, you’re not responsible for it. It’s actually owned by a different organization, called the TLD (technically a domain name is simply the top-level domain, or TLD, for instance).
That means you only have ownership of the domain name—you’re not responsible for it. It’s not a “right” to use a domain, and you shouldn’t expect to do anything with it without paying money for it.
That’s the main reason that you can’t just decide to register the domain name you name your blog “” and take it. You’ll instead need to pick a domain from a registrar (either one you own or one provided by the TLD), pay them a deposit on the registration fee, and eventually need to buy the domain (typically from your hosting provider) by either waiting some time (up to three months) or paying a yearly fee.
Web Hosting Explained
There are four major types of Web Hosting available.
1. Dedicated Web Hosting
This type of Hosting is only available when you have enough space on your hard drive. It doesn’t have a space, but it is dedicated for you in anyway. It has its own disk or partition with all those applications/websites/etc in it
2. Semi-dedicated Web Hosting
Also known as shared hosting, its similar to dedicated Web Hosting, but instead of a partition, you are sharing space with other sites hosted on the same server. This means everyone is on the same server, but because they are not directly connected to each other, its similar to hosting space on a machine.
3. Virtual Private Servers (VPS)
These is basically dedicated machines on your own virtual private server (VPS)—in other words, it is virtual. And on these VPS you can have a large number of your own websites hosted. That means you can share the space with other websites/web servers/etc. And this gives you the maximum freedom of choice as far as where you want your sites hosted. It allows you to customize your own websites to the way you want.
4. Managed Web Hosting
On this type of Hosting, you can decide for you what you want your hosting company to do with your website hosting. It is basically what they use to manage your server. It allows your website to run for no cost. What you have to do is maintain your website, by paying to your web hosting or its managing company. If you want your website to get a dedicated server, that is a separate cost. These are the major types of web hosting available.
How to Select a Web Host
If you want to increase your income or save on hosting expenses, then you should get a paid hosting plan. There are two types of hosting plans – free and paid.
The free hosting includes domains and sub-domains, but you cannot upload or create a website there. A paid hosting has some special features.
In this article, we will discuss the paid hosting vs. free hosting. You will be clear and know more about free vs. paid hosting.
Do you know how to manage your domain?
There is an option to manage your domain hosting on WordPress. You get to choose your domain name, choose the hosting provider or the hosting plan that suits your needs, and get set up easily.
It’s simple, quick, and easy.
Yes, you choose a hosting service plan and a domain name is added to your account.
All you need is a hosting service and the domain name in your mail or WordPress account.
When you create a new website, you can add a sub-domain called or any other domain name that you choose.
If your server has support for a website builder plugin then you can easily customize the template of your website.
You have the option to sell the domain name. It is free.
So there’s no need for complicated tools to sell your domain.
If you do not want to use this website builder plugin in your server you can easily do it on your own – use FTP. Your web host will need to install the plugin for you.
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