Distribution List In Outlook 2016 one of the most useful features of Outlook. It provides the ability to create a number of groups. If you want to send an email to multiple people like the committee or even just a group of friends without adding each name one by one, Outlook allowed creating a contact group. A distribution list is an efficient method for emailing a very large group of recipients, as an organization or club. In Outlook 2016 setting up a list is easy. In this article, we will try to explain how to create a distribution list in outlook.

Step by Step Guide How To Create A Distribution List In Outlook

An Email Distribution List in MS Outlook distribution list is a simple list of emails from your contact list that you can select to email all at once. These lists can be allowed to pick the bulk of contacts where you saved. Distribution lists are best for when you are dealing with different numbers of groups of contacts.

  1. First, open the Outlook window and click on the Contacts icon on the left bottom side.
  2. The second step, click on the New Contact Group button under the Home menu. On click Contact Group a new window opens.
  3. Under the Contact Group tab, click Add Members option and select Contacts from Outlook.
  4. Choose each email contact to want to add to the Contact Group.
  5. After that click, the members tab to add those specific contacts as your group members and then click on the OK button.
  6. Check all the names and emails you want for your contact group after that enter a name for the group.
  7. After all, steps click on Save & Close button under the contact group menu.

We hope this post helped you to Create A Distribution List In Outlook 2016. You may also want to see How To Add Multi-Language In CodeIgniter Dynamic.

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