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Have you read a lot about the expert system? Do you have still confusion about the components of the expert system? Well, do not worry! You are at the right destination. Here, you will get great insight into different components of the expert systems clearly and deeply. Before entering into the topic, let us take a quick review of what the expert system is. In this article, we will explain the Components of the Expert System.

What is an expert system?

The expert system is a highly advanced system application, which is implemented for the purpose of offering effective solutions to difficult and complex issues.

It is also utilized to clarify some uncertainties through non-algorithmic programs where human expertise is usually required. Most commonly, you will find expert systems in the challenging domain end.

In fact, it is a great alternative way of searching for a solution to the problem that occurred in the field where human expertise is still required. Generally, it is used in making business decisions, configuring computers, analyzing real-time system performance, and much more.

Different Components of Expert System

The expert system generally has several core system components to interface and function with the individuals of several roles. In this article, you are going to know about the major components of an expert system. It includes a knowledge base, user interface, inference engine, and knowledge acquisition sub-system.


Knowledge base is one of the most imperative elements of the expert system because it holds expert problem-solving skills and knowledge. It is the place where the knowledge brought out from the experts actually stored. The knowledge base comprises facts, rules, descriptions of objects, and much more.

In the newer expert system, the data is where the knowledge base is always preserved and stored. It is worth mentioning that it is a combination of past experience, information, and data.

The data in the knowledge base has everything to understand and formulate the problem and then finally offer a solution. The major key to the knowledge base is in which way the knowledge is represented.

Usually, knowledge obtained from the experts needs to be represented formally, which deals with the manipulation of data, information structuring, and knowledge acquisition.

The knowledge base is actually behind the power and capability of the expert system. In general, the knowledge base has two different types of components such as factual knowledge and heuristic knowledge.

Inference engine

Having a powerful knowledge base is not enough to make the expert system works well. It is necessary to regain and formulate the way to apply the knowledge present in the knowledge base to the present situation or problem given at the user interface. To do this function, the expert system requires a program, which is called the inference engine.

It performs this task routinely to figure out the new facts that are used subsequently to obtain further conclusions. Therefore, the inference engine becomes the active component of the expert system.

It is also called the brain of an expert system, which controls structure and even rules interpreter.

This component is actually a system program processing the knowledge base appropriately to reach the goal mentioned by the user.

User means the person who is communicating with the computer through the user interface. It also offers a technique and method to structure the data in the knowledge base and then formulate a conclusion.

In simple words, the inference engine obtains and influences the knowledge to get a particular solution. It used two strategies to recommend the solution to any problems, which are forward chaining and backward chaining.

User interface

To have a friendly problem oriented-communication between the computer and user, the expert system comprises the language processor.

This communication works well in the natural language and is occasionally supported by graphics. The technology of the user interface lets humans interact with the computer easily.

The user needs to give the problem and the system returns the conclusion. One of the vital features of the expert system is that it not only provides the conclusion but also explains the reasons for certain options discarded or utilized. This helps users understand the method of problem-solving much easier.

Knowledge acquisition sub-system

As mentioned already, knowledge acquired from the expert is represented in the knowledge base. Acquiring knowledge from experts is the main job of the knowledge engineer. As it is a time-consuming and skilled operation, it often limits the expert system function and design in the commercial environment.

An individual who has skill and expertise in the problem to create, change or add the knowledge base access the knowledge acquisition program.

Some of the potential sources of knowledge are research reports, a human expert, the user’s own experience, databases, and textbooks. According to quantitative and qualitative information, experts usually make decisions.

The system engineer is in the position to translate the standard procedure into a certain form, which is understandable for the expert system.

Besides, the knowledge engineer should monitor the expert system development. Getting knowledge from professionals is obviously a challenging task. Actually, it is a bottleneck in the construction of an expert system.

The major reason for the success of the expert system is accuracy and quality. This is happening because the knowledge engineer obtains exact details from the subject in several ways.

It includes interviewing, recording, and observing the subject. Later, the engineer utilizes if-then-else rules to arrange and categorize the collect details in a meaningful way.

Advantages of an Expert System

Currently, the expert system is used in many fields such as engineering, medical, education, and much more. It is highly helpful in making any superior quality decision accurately and quickly in a certain area. Below mentioned are some of the important benefits of using an expert system.

  • Consistency is the vital benefit of the expert system as it makes a decision based on certain rules and logic
  • It has a large memory to store a massive amount of knowledge and can be accessed anytime so that no chance of memory loss
  • The expert system logic is extremely clear as all the rules, conditions, and its understandings are clearly programmed
  • It is accessible for 24×7 and there is no age limit like human


The efficiency of expert systems depends upon the domain they are made on. However, so far, with the newer technologies being used, the Exert systems are coming up as a great aid for various industries, making things simpler and efficient.

But, in any case, the expertise of the system depends upon the domain and how much it allows a system to expand or utilize the techniques of the expert system.

The extent to which Expert systems and AI systems have developed, there is a debate whether they are good or bad for the face of humanity.

It is being speculated by experts that the power of the computer may soon become so intense that it would be difficult for humans to control it. However, till this time, it is best to utilize such efficient systems in every field where they contribute towards growth.